Monday, August 29, 2011

Social Media and How the Interntet is Changing our Lives.

View the video below and then answer the questions as comment posts.  We will discuss your posts in class.

1.  It took television 13yrs to have 50 million user but only took the Internet 4yrs.  Why do you think the Internet gained users so much faster?

2. Ipod downloads hit 1billion in a nine month span.  What do you think are the ramifications for companies that offer music, video and other down loadable apps to customers?

3. Who is the fastest growing market segment on Facebook?   As someone who is concerned with online commerce why do we care about this information?

4. Twitter is the new word of mouth advertising on the Internet.  Why do you think this is so important for companies that sell product online or in a retail store?

5. Explain how products will find you in the future or even now?

6. What do you think "People Driven Economy Means"?